nvestment projects of international financial

The reason is clear imbalance in the banking system.  Ebb
 capital of the banking sector in six months is 90 billion
 [MV Savostyanenko  Investment projects of international financial
 organizations in Ukraine / / Proceedings NDFI.  - 2008.  - № 1.  - S.
 128-137.].  If the initial value of the resources laid at 12-15%
 refinancing rate by 12%, it is impossible to expect that the rate of
 commercial bank loan will be lower by 21-25%.  In our opinion,
 refinancing crisis can only solve current problems with
 liquidity through its Timeframes but it does not help banks
 lending to the real economy.

 Experts believe that the need to find a point of sectoral economic
 recovery, where banks could effectively direct its resources, ie
 apply selective policies or elements.  But important for banks
 availability of borrowed and borrowed funds, although the capitalization
 commercial banks in the state budget for 2009 foresees an amount of
 44 billion UAH